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The type of claim you submit will depend on your cover and condition. Our experts can help you to determine your next steps.
Types of Claims
There are four main types of insurance that our clients may have that may mean they are eligible to claim. Each of these has its own specific characteristics, and thus specific circumstance conditions that are applicable.
Life Insurance
Life Insurance (Death Cover) is a back up plan for your family. It provides a specified lump sum payment to your nominated beneficiary (or to your estate if no beneficiary is nominated) in the event of your death, or upon diagnosis with a terminal illness.
Most superannuation policies contain some level of life insurance cover. Some people have multiple super funds, each containing life insurance cover, and people often take out additional life insurance outside of super.
During your time of bereavement, PCM can guide you through the complex and emotional process of lodging a personal insurance claim by dealing directly with the insurers and superannuation funds to ensure every base is covered and make sure you get the maximum lump sum cover you are entitled to.
Total & Permanent Disability (TPD)
TPD is a lump sum payment that could be relevant following a severe injury or illness that affects your ability to return to work in the same capacity or even at all. Many superannuation funds have a TPD component and like life insurance, people often take out additional TPD cover outside of super.
TPD claims are amongst the longest to process with some claims taking up to 12 months to pay out. PCM can help process your TPD claim much faster than if you were dealing directly with your insurer, and actively manage the process to help you get your entitlements quickly, smoothly and when you need money the most.
Trauma/Critical Illness
Trauma Insurance is also known as Critical Illness or Recovery Insurance. This insurance provides a set lump sum payment in the event you are diagnosed with a specific medical illness. These policies include the major illnesses or injuries that will make a significant impact on a person's life, such as such as a stroke, heart attack or cancer.
In order to receive a claim, each trauma/illness has defined and very specific medical conditions that must be met and benefits are only paid for events listed by the specific policy.
PCM will analyse your policy, establish what you’re entitled to, put your claim together and manage it to completion, taking the pressure off, so you can spend your time focusing on recovering - not worrying about your finances!
Income Protection
Income protection insurance has the function of replacing the income lost through an inability to work due to sickness or injury for a period of time. Policies can cover up to 75% of gross wages for a defined period of time. There are a number of elements to income protection insurance that can be tailored to an individual’s needs. Each policy will have its own definition of disability, and benefits can vary widely.
Priority Claims Management can navigate the fine print in Product Disclosure Statements, to fully understand how your policy defines your cover, and take the stress out of the claims process by managing it professionally from start to finish.